I can quickly sum up the week, which was fairly ordinary with a touch of sparkle, with: work, late night conversations, errands, family dinners, BEE night, and later, after the Suns take the Clippers, I expect to crash - or at least sleep until 7:30 manana.
I have challenged myself to run a mile without stopping tomorrow. Depending on how fast I pace myself, that could be 10 minutes of constant motion. Can I do it? One would think that it wouldn't be that difficult or something you would have to challenge yourself with; after all, I'm constantly moving. I am, however, not constantly moving fast, hard, or even necessarily with my legs. Sometimes, I'm just standing there telling a story with big hand gestures. I guess we'll see how my run goes in the morning. After that, possible airport runs, new family arriving to town, a visit to see Grandma, a visit to see Big Mama, icing, and an evening in stitches and in the company of goodness.
Sunday is Matsuri Festival day! I'm so excited. This is the #1 reason why I lurve February so much and it's FINALLY here! My family has been attending the Matsuri as far back as I can remember, which is 1985, and to my recollection, I've only missed two. There's something about it that just makes it *that* kind of good.
Since the week was so slow, I'm betting the weekend will be almost non-existent. Why is it that I live for Saturdays?
I saw Holly in concert {with my BF, Duncan} and she actually wrote this song on a Thursday. It's the first song I think of when someone says 'Saturday.'
Sadly, Monday marks the beginning of March and I will mourn the passing of another fabulous February, but it shall return this same time, next year and that's something to look forward to...
Missi: Owning 2010 since January 1st. Cheers!