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Day 11

Since I squeezed in two parts on Day 9, Day 10 was filled with needed rest, VIP, and sunshine. Which brings us to Day 11...


Teach 'em early.

I'm sure it's not the kind of girls night out you would expect to hear about on a big girl's birthday countdown. There were no limousines, male strippers, shots of tequila, or feather boas.... at least this time. Instead, there were cartoons, mini manicures, and tiny burrito's. This was my little girl's night out...

E thoroughly enjoyed her manicure.

A is just thrilled. You can see it in her eyes.

So pretty! They each got two flowers painted on ~ with rhinestone centers for sparkle!

Dinner @ Macayo's. Their choice made mama happy!

This is me [and my little ladies]. 19 days before 30. Pretty, tired and full.

Holy guacamole! Only 20 days left! I'm so excited, I'm so excited... 30 Before 30 continues manana with Day 12. Sometimes I impress myself with what I can accomplish.

Random Sunshine:
Ricky Martin came out of the closet today. Tomorrow the world will be round.

I'm always so impressed with how well mannered, polite, and respectful my kids are, especially in public. There have been several times when I've had strangers come over to our table at restaurants and compliment me on how well behaved and adorable they are. Today, I'm thankful that I set a good example at a young age and that they follow suit. Way to go ME!

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