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TGIF, At Last!

After the week I just endured, I am beyond thankful today is Friday.

It seems to me that mothers, like the forces of nature they are, should be immune to illness. I've been in bed all week, which isn't as glamorous as it sounds. Thankfully I happen to love {and be loved by} a very important person who went from understudy to starring role in the hit musical, 'Single Parent of a Three Ring Circus' with very little stage instruction. No one died of starvation, no one missed school, and no one burned the house down. Yay! Of course, men will never be mom's and I have about four days of make-up house things to tend to and I'm out of clean pajama pants {quite a feat in my case}, so it's about time to wrap this shiz up. Big things lie ahead...

Tomorrow kicks off Valentine's Weekend. Yay! I think my favorite part of the my least favorite holiday is the mascot. A fat baby with a weapon representin' L to the O-V-E. Bravo! to whoever came up with that ghetto fab idea. We celebrate VD as a family {of course that was intentional}. We get pizza, eat a box of gamble chocolates, watch my favorite Valentine's Day movie, Happily N'Ever After and no one complains {I particularly like that last part}. I don't know when this tradition started, but I absolutely lurve it. In my opinion, little tokens of appreciation should be given when they're least expected and love should be celebrated every day it's received.

However, if you want an over-the-top huge Cupid production of a Valentine's Day, but haven't made any plans yet, you're an idiot ~ VD is 2 days away, cowboy, get on it! Check out this big list of Valentine's Day events for what's hot around the Valley.

May you get the good in every gamble this weekend. Be sweet!

*Side Note: Have you ever eaten a chocolate out of those heart shaped boxes with any confidence? You know going in that the contents hidden inside are going to be really good or really, really nasty and that's why, my friends, we fondly refer to them as "gamble chocolate".

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