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With September right around the bend, I woke up this morning longing for crisp weather, a reason to put on my slippers, shop for cable knit sweaters, and make apple cider in my crock pot. It's too bad I live in Arizona where weather that permits these sorts of activity are at least 10 weeks away. I guess this means in 10 weeks, I will not only be shopping for cardigans, but I will be hosting E's seventh birthday party. SEVENTH! Oh dear me, where does the time go?!

This week has been extremely eventful. Trouble at work, two friends welcomed newborns, a cordial visit from Forrest, and news of monsters in my new mini-van air vents {it's okay, Ethan shut them out}.

The weekend, however, doesn't hold much; a few necessary errands and some garage organization. I must find my garage door opener {it wasn't where I last saw it - my bike basket}. I'm also hoping to get nothing done with my favorite person as it seems to be our specialty. No time has ever been spent so wisely than the time I spend with J. True story.

Cheers to a 'do nothing' kind of weekend! Happy Friday!

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