It was an interesting holiday. For starters, I played Rock Band on the Wii. I'd like to clearly state right now that I am not a fan of video games in the slightest, so just the mere fact that I know who Mario & Luigi are should impress you. I'd also like to observe that playing the drum set makes for a hot sweaty mess.
Secondly, I'm beginning to think my new hair has some sort of magnetism effect on the male species. {thank goodness my magic stylist, J, taught me exactly how to recreate my Independence Day 'do} I was definitely fancied by five young lads looking for love, but unfortunately for them, I am all the wrong girl.
I was also contacted {via text message} by a friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year. We made a dinner date to catch up next month and I couldn't be more excited. I'd better start stretching now, cause that's gonna be one big hug.
On Sunday, I ran a huge lot of {mostly successful} errands. I hung my milk glass plates, made some alterations to the Kitchen Re-Create plan, and cleaned the house. The kitchen is coming together much faster than I had anticipated and, to be honest, I've hardly spent a dime. Here's what I have thus far...
Garage find & spray painted orange over black
Total $57.18 + S&H
I'm totally lovin' it! There are still some projects waiting in the wings, like my trellis and cookbook book shelf, but I will definitely need a Tool Man who can take direction to come assist. I also need to hunt more milk glass plates before the north and west walls feel complete and, sadly, the hunt for vintage wrapping paper is still on.
Also on Sunday, I was given the news that S would have have his belongings completely removed from my house by the end of the week. It's always sad to see someone exit your life, but it can be easy. The hard part comes from not wanting them to go or from an unexpected exit. However, this is not the case for me. S and I have been battling "togetherness" for almost 17 months and it's just not working. It was an amicable break-up, one that I'm not hurt, sad or depressed over, but one that I'm letting out huge sighs of relief over. Sighs that have been 15 months in the making.
I hope everyone else had an awesome three-day weekend filled with special moments and special people. Cheers to a beautiful week!
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